Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kickin' it Old School

This week was our church's VBS. The theme was "Kickin' it Old School." The message of the week was basically about how God remains the same as our times change. The decorations were so fun and colorful! My girls had a blast. In fact, tonight I looked over at Cora and she was b-a-w-l-i-n-g. I seriously thought she was hurt or something. When I asked her what was wrong she said, "I'm just so sad that this is the last day!" Oh, my sweet, TIRED, precious girl.

Sunday night was the kick-off for the week's activities. They had bounce houses, a rock climbing wall, hot dogs and snow cones!

Kaitlyn invited her good friend Melanie to come along for the week.

all these clouds and STILL no rain....

working her way to the top


she was so proud! or possibly excited that i told her i would give her a dollar if she made it to the top. 

my sweet little's

I helped in the Art room during the week. It was fun to get to see all the kiddo's come through each day. I also got to work with some fun girls! 

sad she didn't wear her t-shirt that day, but she's still a cutie..

sweet friends

listening to children praise and worship all week was such a blessing!

cora and kennedy with their mosaic crosses. she almost had her eyes all the way open!

Midway through the week we got to enjoy a fun swim day! I forgot to count how many kids were there, but there were a LOT and it was a blast! We all took our lunches and ate together, then enjoyed at least 2 hours of non-stop swimming. It has been so fun for all of my girls (myself included) to make new friends this year. 

This one right here as been an extra special friend to me this year. I'm trying to hold in a laugh in this picture which is why I have 2 chins and an extra large neck. Or it could have been because I had already had 4 huge cookies by 10:00 that morning. 

Tonight was the wrap up celebration. Cora and Claire thought it was occasion fit for their tu-tu's. 

Fun week! We are blessed to be part of a fun church. 

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