Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beat the Heat

there is a picture of a bill board going around that says, "satan called. he wants his weather back." for real. it's been over 100 degrees here for many days in a row, so we have been trying to find things to do within the blessing of air conditioning!

we made cookies for some neighbors... 

totally not posed. precious sisters....

get it girl.

kaitlyn just told me to call her when the dough was ready. :) 

we made homemade lava lamps. i have been WAY addicted to the pinterest website lately, and got a couple of these ideas from there. i'm telling you, i could spend h-o-u-r-s on that site. 

she was thrilled..

saturday morning kaitlyn woke up at 6:30 and went to play 18 holes of golf with my parents! i was a little worried that she would get bored/hot/frustrated, but she did great and loved it. 

her good attitude and patience were rewarded by being able to drive the cart!

while they were out sweating their brains out  getting great exercise, the little's and i stayed at home doing "indoor" things. 

like sleeping until almost 9:00 (that's a record around here) and painting birdhouses in our pajamas!

and doing a popcorn kernel word search. this kept them busy for at least an hour, and they have kept coming back to it today.

and the best way we have found to beat the heat is to get wet!

and what is summer without a little sleepover every now and then?

these sweet princesses all cuddled up in the tent watching tangled for the 5,287th time.

i start nursing school next monday, so i am really trying to soak up these precious moments with my girls. summer went by waaaay too fast this year.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving the summer pics of your girsl~ they are so beautiful! I cannot wait to hear how nursing school are amazing to do all that you do.
